What does it take to raise a child? We’ve spent the last 629 days becoming more and more familiar with the “it takes a village to raise a child” African proverb. Our loving village not only has our immediate family, but now extends to classroom teachers, family friends, social workers, and everyone else that has in one way or another helped us as we stumble through this thing called parenthood.

Known to most, Janet Jackson is one of my favorite artist. The first track on her Velvet Rope album has a statement that I found to be especially true with children. She states -

“It’s my belief, that we all have the need to feel special.

And it’s this need that can bring out the best in us

Yet the worst in us…”

– Janet Jackson (The Velvet Rope Interlude)

We have seen the kids at some low moments. The need to feel special has brought out some epic tantrums. And we recognize when they are in special need of attention. It was a steep and fast learning curve, but it was worth the wild ride. The best in the kids can be seen daily. They have such a strong love for each other, that it can be felt within seconds of being around them. I’m happy we have had the opportunity to keep these loving kids together forever.

Now that it’s been nearly 2 years since we have taken in the kids, I know understand the odd looks when we told people we were going from 0 kids to 3. It’s a lot of work. I mean A LOT of work. I believe in the some of the social workers had their own doubts too. But we were confident and thought “Yes we can”. And I’m happy this day is here so that we can now say, “Yes we did.” #ThanksObama J.

Again, thank you to our village as we, as a village, continue to raise our family. It feels like we have waited a lifetime to get these kids in our family. I already have a hard time remembering what it was like before kids as they have filled up our home as well as our hearts. Kids, for the lifetime we have together, I think it can be summed up with a quote from Sara Bareilles’s I Choose You

“We are not perfect we’ll learn from our mistakes

And as long as it takes I will prove my love to you

I am not scared of the elements I am underprepared,

But I am willing

And even better

I get to be the other half of you”

– Sara Bareilles (I Choose You)


K-C Family Camping photo

About the author

Deaon is a happy guy.

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